Do Your Bones Shimmer in the Moonlight?

  • 2022
  • installation
  • car cover, construction, fans
  • 160/400/120 cm
  • AE 3 + 1 AP

The title is a quote from the lyrics of the British band The Veils' track "Do Your Bones Glow at Night?" from their 2016 album "Total Depravity". I remember with a bitter smile the car covers that covered the Soviet cars parked in the streets of my childhood. I remember with an even more bitter smile the years of transition, when the sidewalks of my youth were occupied by those same cars, now permanently anchored on bricks instead of tyres. Recently I discovered that there is a new production and supply of these covers, no longer made of tarpaulin but of translucent propylene. To me this was a visit of a ghost from an afterlife.


Krassimir Terziev: Reconstructions of the Forthcoming, 2022, Structura Gallery, Sofia, curated by Maria Vassileva